At this stage of senior life I think of what I am leaving behind that others can use. It is not what I have, but it is also that is in a place, where others can access it.

Early in my life I wrestled with the question, “What is going to matter 100 years from now? At some point I concluded that two items would last – The Word of God and people. The best investment of my life would combine the two. I made a doulos commitment to the Lord as a teen-ager. So, what is a doulos commitment? The term doulos designates a slave. He obeys all God’s commandments. This slavery is not harsh treatment. The one who calls me a slave, also calls me His friend (John 15:15). I found that the best way for me to be a doulos was to teach the Word of God and to teach each to be a doulos as well.




Served in four pastorates,  each in a very different demographic.

Oversaw various ministries at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa:

As the millennium turned, I gave the other groups to others, so I could focus on School of Ministry.